If the United States and its allies South Korea Phone Number List ever wish to accomplish their goals, they must change the dynamic. Kim Jon-IL has to be convinced that any action other than the cessation of all missile testing and nuclear material production South Korea Phone Number List will result in a war he can not win, regime change, and him on trial at the Hague or dead. America must be careful to present this in a way that is obvious to Kim South Korea Phone Number List and China that Kim has a choice in deciding his future.
Undoubtedly, such bold action will result in South Korea Phone Number List the immediate escalation of tensions, but it will also force China to recalculate the usefulness of buttressing North Korea. If China wants stability on its border a costly war, South Korea Phone Number List which will possibly involve U.S. and even Japanese soldier at the Yalu River border would not be beneficial to its economic growth. The Chinese government has not published South Korea Phone Number List official figures on "mass incidents", a CC (Chinese Communist Party) term for riots; demonstrations; and protests since 2004. In that year 74,000 incidents were recorded, a 28% change over the previous year.
Foreign analysts, drawing on Chinese sources, estimated the 2005 figure to have been 80,000-85,000 (Elide 2006). Considering the trend South Korea Phone Number List line, starting from 1993, there is no reason to think the number of incidents has not increased at the historic average of 20% a year. Most of these incidents are due to corruption and the lack of economic opportunity South Korea Phone Number List in rural areas, where most Chinese still live. It is not in China's interest to sacrifice its own internal stability, which is a greater threat to CC power South Korea Phone Number List than losing North Korea as a buffer zone.